Pride month.
Dear friends, it's a great feeling to share with you this annual event that reminds everyone around the world of love and respect for other human beings. No matter what skin colour we have, where we come from, what profession we do and who we love, we are all equal and we share the same feeling – love.
In 1969, after constant repression, harassment and police raids on places where gays met, the cup of bitterness overflowed. When the police once again entered the Stonewall Inn in New York with clubs in their hands, they started a revolution that could not stop. Anti-discrimination protests and clashes with uniformed officers around the premises and in nearby Christopher Park lasted for six days. Residents also joined the protests. Many people were arrested. One year after the riots, on June 28, 1970, thousands of people marched from the Stonewall Inn to Central Park to commemorate the event. And in the following years, the march was also made in other cities, and later spread to other countries.
It is thanks to these events that we can celebrate today and remind people that we exist and are the same as everyone else. Aversion to the LGBTQ community is mainly due to fear, and its main source, unfortunately, is religion. It doesn't matter which one. It is she who sows fear, hatred and stigmatization of another man in people, just because he went out of the template that was assigned. I have looked at many religions, trying to find some part of them where we are all equal. However, my observations have been bitterly disappointing. I have noticed that even though every religion has the word ‘love’ on its banners, it is not for everyone and there are different kinds of it. I also notice that religion is a kind of enslavement, which we choose unconsciously. It reminds me of the movie The Matrix, where people lived connected to a system where they unconsciously produced energy for machines. And as long as they produced it, they lived in the illusion of a good world. However, when someone wanted to leave, he was painfully forced to return. I don't want to live like this. Everyone should have the right to choose their own way, because we are free. If you can't make your own choices, ask yourself, is this the life you want?
Each of us is a unique diamond that brings its brilliance to this world. We make it diverse and more interesting. I would like to wish you all a lot of love, patience, understanding, kindness and smiles, and hope for a better tomorrow.
I would like to point out that what I’ve written here is only my observations, which are not intended to offend anyone.